DIY Mini Piñata Collection

CLIENT - We R Memory Keepers

We R Makers, formerly known as We R Memory Keepers, is the American Crafts brand
that develops new crafting supplies and tools.

MY ROLE - Pitched and Developed Product Collection

Twice a year the Product Development team at American Crafts would have an “ideation” meeting to present new product ideas and trends. With this in mind, I always had my eyes open for possible product ideas. I stumbled across an image on Pinterest of a birthday party with handmade mini piñatas placed on a table as party favor place cards. After some research, I saw that party bloggers were hand making mini piñatas out of cereal boxes and decorating with hand-cut tissue paper strips. I thought this looked like fun and decided to make one for myself, only to be frustrated with how long it took to make just one . . . let alone multiples. That’s when I came up with the idea for this collection.

I pitched and developed a collection of mini undecorated piñata bases that were sold in sets of three. I created a new product that I called “fringe tape,” which was made of strips of mylar and tissue paper that were backed with strips of “rip-able” adhesive. What took ages before, was now as simple as fill, wrap, and celebrate!!!

The initial launch included 8 different piñata shapes, 10 colors of fringe tape, as well as coordinating packs of tissue paper confetti. It wasn’t long before the card and scrapbooking communities discovered my fringe tape, and it took off on its own as an embellishment outside the piñata collection.


Color-Your-Own Playhouses Product Design


Letterboard Product Launch